Dacopan project MEETING MINUTES
Mar 23rd, 2004
Mar 23rd, 2004, at 16:15
Department of Computer Science, room 455
Jari Aarniala
Jarkko Laine
Jonathan Brown, chairman
Turjo Tuohiniemi, instructor
Vesa Vainio, secretary
Alejandro Fernandez Rey
Carlos Arrastia Aparicio
1. Start
Mr. Brown started the meeting at 16:20.
2. Assessment of the situation
We need to discuss the XML format with the Petrozavodsk team and
provide sufficiently detailed specifications as soon as possible.
We need to develop a plan to finish design activities and assign
responsibilities for remaining design tasks.
3. Discussion
3-A: XML format
- The possibility of several unit types (e.g. unit sent, unit received)
was discussed and it was concluded that we want to have only one unit.
To make the data format clearer we also want to make the restriction
that packets that have been sent before tcpdump log starts and appear
only as received, not sent, within the tcpdump log, must NOT be included
in protocol events file.
- The sorting of packets in protocol events file (according to timestamps)
is not really important, because the data can easily be sorted in internal
data structures as we like. The only important thing is to maintain the
bottom-up-fashion of expressing the information to enable constructing
the encapsulation information easily.
- Information about packet drop should be expressed as an attribute within
the unit data.
- Information about different flows/connections should be included in
protocol events file. Mr. Aarniala will send a more detailed mail about
this and other XML issues.
3-B: Animator architecture
The animator architecture has not been considered yet. It was concluded
that the architecture is event-controlled and the control is mostly
owned by the Swing framework.
We need also to specify the animator architecture in terms of
relationships and dependencies between different parts of the program.
Mr. Vainio was chosen to do this.
3-C: Design tasks division
The following design areas were identified, mostly according to a mail
from Mr. Vainio. The areas correspond mostly to implementable classes or
sets of classes. The boundaries between some areas are still unclear,
but can be clarified later.
We also discussed the problem that some group members don't have skills
for implementing software using the Swing framework. Different
arrangements for tutoring, pair coding, etc. were discussed. It was
concluded that the members lacking in Swing knowledge should familiarize
themselves with the basics of Swing as soon as possible, preferably
before the implementation phase begins.
Area Responsibility
- localization JB
- XML input/output JA
- data structure classes JA
- main UI classes JB JL
- settings classes for animation (the same as the panel)
- panels for changing settings JB JL
- MSC panel VV
- Enc panel JL JB
- UFO panel JB
- TPI panel (optional, unassigned)
- control signals framework VV
- the play, etc buttons panel JL
- animation sequence framework VV (CA, AF?)
- Learn Swing AF CA JB
4. Action items
Mr. Aarniala:
- Write mail about XML issues
Mr. Arrastia:
- Learn Swing
Mr. Brown:
- Learn Swing
Mr. Fernandez:
- Learn Swing
Mr. Laine:
- Work on design document
Mr. Vainio:
- Create description of high-level architecture
5. End
Mr. Brown ended the meeting at 18:30.
VesaVainio - 24 Mar 2004