Dacopan project MEETING MINUTES Apr 27th, 2004 Meeting Apr 27th, 2004, at 16:15 Department of Computer Science Attendance Jari Aarniala Jonathan Brown, chairman Jarkko Laine Turjo Tuohiniemi, instructor Vesa Vainio Carlos Arrastia Aparicio Alejandro Fernandez Rey, secretary Absent Nobody was absent. 1. Start Mr. Brown started the meeting at 16:15 2. Assessment of the situation We're still coding. A presentation of the actual situation of the Animator module was shown to Mr.Kojo in the beginning of the meeting. Some issues about the trip to Petrozavodsk are discussed as well. 3. Discussion I Mr. Kojo's comments on the actual situation of the user interface: - If possible, the units on MSC animation could be arrows which will indicate the direction where the unit goes (from host A to host B or viceversa). - Scale or animation time settings could be used to present the units using all available space on the screen. For those networking scenarios that present a lot of traffic, it may be interesting to be able to scroll up and down. - It will be also possible to make the UFO/Notes area somehow hideable or minimizable to visualize full-sized MSC or ENC animation. - Variables data on the unit can be made particular to each direction; for instance, in TCP, it's interesting to show a unit's sequence number from host A to host B, and the acknowledgement number in next unit from B to A. But in this last unit the sequence number is not interesting. A solution could be to show both variables for both transfer units. II Remaining tasks and priorities in completion The actual discussion began when the presentation to Mr. Kojo finished, that is at 17h20. Tasks to be completed: - Scenario matters: the scenario mode, panel and its connection to the MainFrame are discussed. The place for the scenario panel would be next to the Note area on the right bottom side of the screen, maybe as a splitpane. - MainFrame class needs still to handle state information. - State semantics or transitions between different states of animation features could be stated to make the behaviour of the program consistent. - The get the scenario feature working, setting classes and state classes must be completed. The setting panel needs some improvements and changes. - Layer buttons could maybe be more than just buttons and present information about the actual layer that is being shown, maybe by highlighting one of them. - ENC animation: the algorithm that creates the tree to be shown seems to be working fine on the test cases, now the Swing graphic implementation could be completed. The actual "quit encapsulation" button must be changed to be able to come back to MSC animation. - Coordination between groups, integration through PEFs: Existing PEFs for internal testing could be made available to the P-group because they may be useful to them. The H-group will be interested in getting PEFs from the P-group if they have some as well, to assure integration. - Note panel and the NoteManager can also be completed. - Localization can be done later. - UFO panel is in an early stage of completion. The prioritisation of the tasks is determined by the action points. 4. Action points - Jarkko: continue working on MainFrame. - Vesa: work on settings, animation sequence and msc panel. - Jonathan: take care of the note panel and note manager, and work together with Jari on the encapsulation panel. - Jari: work on encapsulation panel. - Carlos: work on the settings panel. - Alejandro: work on testing document, write email to P-group about PEFs. 5. End The official meeting ended at 19:00.
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