Dacopan project MEETING MINUTES Apr 20th, 2004 Meeting Apr 20th, 2004, at 16:15 Department of Computer Science Attendance Jari Aarniala Jonathan Brown, chairman Jarkko Laine Turjo Tuohiniemi, instructor Vesa Vainio, secretary Absent Carlos Arrastia Aparicio Alejandro Fernandez Rey 1. Start Mr. Brown started the meeting at 16:15 2. Assessment of the situation We're in the middle of coding. We should assess the situation to know how to prioritise our coding. The assessment was the primary purpose of the meeting. 3. Discussion I Assessment and prioritisation Assessment of the situation was done person-by-person and the means was to identify: A) what the person has been working on B) what the person plans to work on next C) what the person needs from other persons to be able to proceed Jari A) XML reader is now ready B) 1. To complete the DataView with methods that are still needed 2. To design how the scenario files are saved. The following stuff will be saved, one object per item: - AnimationSequence - NoteManager - GeneralSettings C) Jari needs to know what's still missing from DataView Jonathan A) Miscellaneous improvements with MainFrame B) To get the EncPanel started C) Help with the Enc stuff Jarkko A) Working with MainFrame B) 1. Manipulating settings objects through MainFrame (from UI) 2. Handle saving the scenario file from the point of view of MainFrame 3. Get different dialogs hooked with MainFrame 4. Make MainFrame actually use the Control Signals Framework C) If there are any specific plans about the settings stuff Vesa A) Coded some parts of MSCPanel (header panel, column data, lines for packets) B) 1. Other parts of MSCPanel (area units, dropped packets, field values) 2. The localisation wrapper class (lower priority than MSC) C) Needs test data to be able to actually see the MSC panel in action II Other discussion The meeting had a lively discussion on different algorithms needed for Enc panel, and if the panel should have hard-coded app/trans/net layers or if it should be generic. Jonathan thinks he has some fairly comprehensive ideas on the layout and contents of the Enc panel, but he needs help with implementing the stuff with Swing. 4. Action points The B part for everyone. 5. End The official meeting ended at 18:00.
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